
Wednesday, April 06, 2005


Friday, April 01, 2005


Bureau of Economic Analysis
Center for Research on Security Prices
China FDI
Classics in the History of Psychology
Consumer Confidence - Conference Board
Consumer Sentiment - Univ. of Michigan
Doom and Gloom
Economic Cycle Research Institute
Economic Reports of the President
Emerging Market Research
Federal Reserve Board Studies
FDI Confidence Index
Information Economy Info
Institute for International Economics
Institute of Psychology and Markets
Internet Statistics from NUA
IPO Resources
Investment Company Institute Data
Morgan Stanley Technology Research
National Venture Capital Association
Red Herring Magazine Archive
Smithsonian History of Computer
Social Science Research Network
UBS Index of Investor Optimism
Venture Capital Data from PwC
Venture Capital Data from Venture One
Wired Magazine Archive
World Federation of Exchanges


Technology, Growth, Macro
William Baumol (innovation, growth)
Olivier Blanchard ( macroeconomics)
Timothy Bresnehan ( innovation, tech)
Erik Brynjolfsson (tech productivity)
Dale Jorgenson (productivity & growth)
Paul Krugman ( economics)
Andrew Odlyzko (technology)
Matthew Richardson (market psych)
Nouriel Roubini (great for everything)
Geert Rouwenhorst (emerging markets)
Kevin Stiroh (IT & corporate finance)

Michael Bordo (financial history)
Brad DeLong (economic history)
Barry Eichengreen (financial crises then and now)
Robert Gordon ( growth, history)
Mariana Mazzucato (business history)
Carlota Perez (technology history)
Hal Varian ( technology)

Finance, Venture Capital, Stock Market
Aswath Damodoran (corporate finance)
William Goetzmann (finance)
Paul Gompers (venture capital)
Josh Lerner (venture capital)
Eli Ofek (corporate finance)
Jay Ritter (IPOs)
Jeremy Siegel (stock market)
David Scharfstein (venture capital)
Antoinette Schoar (private equity)
G. William Schwert (IPO markets)
Richard Sylla (financial history)

Market Psychology
Brad Barber (market psychology)
Markus Brunnermeier (market psych)
Alok Kumar (market psychology)
Ulrike Malmendier (market psychology)
Matthew Rabin (economic psychology)
Anna Scherbina (market psychology)
Devin Shanthikumar (market psychology)
Terrance Odean ( market psychology)
Robert Shiller ( market psychology)
Richard Thaler (market psychology)